Mother's Day
I have had a love/hate relationship with Mother’s Day over the last few years. It used to just be a day where I spoiled my momma. And then it turned into a day of hope that one day I would be celebrated. Then things got dark, after years of trying to become a mom it turned into a day of deep struggle. I would dread Mother’s Day especially at church. So many mommas getting smooches from their kiddos and pregnancy announcements galore! I am not proud of some of my thoughts during those years. We decided to seek help to grow our family and ended up doing IVF last spring. It was a hard and stressful journey. Lots of shots, meds, hormones and procedures. After 2.5 years of trying we finally had our chance! We transferred our first little embryo last April and it stuck! I finally got pregnant with my miracle baby last year and celebrated my first Mother’s day as a ‘soon to be’ momma! It was still early in my pregnancy so I was cautious but nevertheless, I was joyful! I am so excited that this year I get to wake up on Mother’s Day to my sweet bright eyed baby girl and have my first official day!
Over the last few months since she was both I feel like I have taken a crash course on motherhood! It is nothing like I expected. It is intense, all-consuming and hard! Like a good hard. The protectiveness I feel over this tiny human feels foreign and so natural all at the same time. It doesn’t matter how exhausted I am, I still get excited every time she needs me! I have been blessed with a baby girl that I get to love and cherish and raise!
I definitely understand why moms get a whole day to be celebrated! I’ve never been so tired, stretched and worried in my whole life! But it is a privilege and I’d do it all over again to be her momma! So take this day to squeeze your momma a little extra because she has loved, cherished and worried about you for your whole life!